Community Events:

- Theodore ABC Daycare Raffle:
Draw date June 14
2 cash prizes up $1250
2 draws of 25% of Ticket Sales
$5 per ticket - Get your tickets @ 306-647-2029 or contact a parent or board member.

-  SPRING CLEAN UP: May 20 - 24

Garbage Days
- May 14
- May 28
Recycling Days
- May 21

Theodore United Church:
Services 10am on:
*May 12 - coffee /snacks
*June 9 (Possible service at the park)
* June 16


Community Groups


Perogy Pinchers
Contact Betty for your orders: 306-647-2177

The Perogy Pinchers is a spin off the Theodore Catering Club which organized in 1992. The perogy pinchers started pinching in 2008 and to date (Nov. 7, 2016) have raised $71,800. Their main goal was to look after the upkeep of the hall alone, however, they have also have helped the Village with expenses for the arena portion as well. They have also made a large donation towards the Handivan bus for the Theodore Health Centre. They are very proud of their accomplishments and will continue as long as they can.
They meet up every second Tuesday of the month to make perogies.
You are always welcome to come out and help!


Theodore Free Press

It all began with help from the Parkland College in Yorkton back in November 1980. After a few years the College stopped and the group from Theodore took it over. It's now 35 years later and the paper is still going strong with help from the volunteers and donations to keep it in print. Not bad for a village of under of 400 people! A subscription to the Free Press is $20.
- On the day it gets put together and into print, a lot of fine tuning is done as it's compiled article by article. When it's all said and done, 1,285 copies are either delivered to the local post office or sent out to nearby communities and to various points across Canada to subscribers and even a few head south into the U.S.
-Once the printing is done it's time to put the pages together and trust me when I say it takes a full team effort to get it done!


Theodore & District Recreation Board

The Community group has been there to support Theodore in assorted fundraising events and donations to Village projects. The Board could always use a few new volunteers to help share the workload, if you think you could spare some time, drop in on a meeting some time and see if it's something you'd like to be a part of.
Stay tuned for details as the map for the upcoming year gets set so you can plan ahead and make plans to attend!
Check their Facebook Page for upcoming event information!

There is now an office in the Recreation complex open Mon - Fri: 1-4pm (no holidays or weekends). Phone # at the complex is 306-647-2345 or cell @ 306-241-6825. Email is:

Facebook Link